Product Categories
Categories allow the specification of Item weight, which is utilized for the Item shipping weight calculation.
Categories allow Admins and Employees to set the weight attribute (in grams) for each Product type. The name attribute of a Category corresponds to the type value of a Shopify product, and the Category’s weight is utilized to calculate the shipping rate for a Product upon the creation of the Shopify product. The existing Products within our Catalog belong to a pre-set Category. These Categories exist by default and do not require any additional setup.
The main attributes of a Category are:
- Category Name: The Category’s name that will be selected while using the Create Product feature.
- Weight (grams): The Category’s weight in grams.
Create Category
Categories may be created by both Admins and Employees. Simply click the Create Category button from within the table and a modal will appear. A custom Category allows you to set a different weight for a Product than assigned to the default Category for a product type. This is helpful if the product has a higher weight.
Update Category
Updates can be made to both default and custom Categories, but only the weight attribute can be modified, as the name of a Category is immutable. Simply click the Update button from within the table and a modal will appear.
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